Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Be green and stay in the green!

Mail-in rebate when you recycle your PC and upgrade to a new Lenovo PC

Mail-in rebate when you recycle your PC and upgrade to a new Lenovo PC
$50 mail-in rebate
PDF (28k)
Lenovo will securely recycle your old PC when you upgrade to a new PC. When you purchase a new PC, recycle your old one. Lenovo, recognized by Greenpeace in their "Guide to Greener Electronics," is offering you an end-to-end solution for your PC. Now, with the mail-in rebate that you can download when you make your new PC purchase you can ‘go green’ and get $50 back which covers the cost of your $30 recycling plus $20! Take advantage of this offer for up to five systems.

PDF Rebate form

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